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A. Understanding Effective Leader
Control or management meaningful use of organizational resources effectively to achieve the objectives. Management is a discipline that studies in depth knowledge about the strategies or ways to achieve the goals systematically.
Leaders are the ones who determine the goals, motivations and actions and to others. A person may be appointed as a leader because it has the advantages of others and can influence others even he has the power to influence others. Excess them came from within himself and there are also those who came from outside himself. The leader is a person who has special skills and advantages, so he was able to influence others to achieve goals together.
The leader is someone who can influence other people or members of his group to achieve a common goal in containers official and unofficial organizations. Leadership is the ability of an individual to influence, motivate and make others able to contribute for the sake of effectiveness and success of the organization. Leadership is an influence process that deliberately executed by a person against another person to carry out various activities in a group or organization. Leadership is a relationship that is in a leader, who has the power to influence others to cooperate consciously in relation to the desired task.
A leader has the ability of individuals to coordinate, direct and influence others to work together to achieve organizational goals. Thus it can be seen the differences are owned in various aspects, including who is using influence, the target to be obtained from these influences, influences the way they are used, and the results of efforts to use such influence.
Power is the ability to influence others to achieve something in the desired way. People who are at the helm of an organization, have the power in the context of influencing the behavior of those who are structurally organizer is below. How she had run its hegemony in achieving a goal so what is becoming a common goal can be achieved.
Developments and changes continue to roll is also bringing people into the era of global competition. Therefore, if you do not want to compete in the era of globalization of improving the quality of human resources is a reality that must be done in a planned, purposeful, intensive, effective and efficient. The development and improvement of the quality of human resources and international competitiveness have competence to survive in the times become an important concern in management education.
Leadership is the ability to move people in achieving a goal. The meaning of the word leadership is closely related to the meaning of the word lead. Said lead implies a person's ability to mobilize all available resources in an organization so that it can in dayagunakan optimally to achieve the goals set.
According Komang Ardana, et al (2008: 89) is the very essence of leadership in organizational management, basic resources and a central point of all activities that occur under sautu organization. Leadership is an important force in the management, therefore ability to lead effectively is the key to being an effective manager. Furthermore, Chris Harijanto (2007: 2) leadership is a logical consequence of human behavior and culture that are naturally born as a zoon politicon which has a very high social dependence to meet various needs.
Furthermore, according to Ngalim Purwanto (2009: 26) that leadership means a set of circuit abilities and personality traits, including the authority to serve as a means in order to ensure they lead that they are willing and able to carry out the tasks assigned to them willingly, eagerly, No inner excitement and cameras are not forced.
Such as those expressed by Suryadi (2009: 69) that the leadership will be effective and efficient when executed by a leader who is honest, responsible, transparent, intelligent, understand their duties and obligations, to understand its members, able to motivate and various qualities that are in a leader.
Meanwhile, according to Asmara Husna (2015: 104) effective leader is the one who gives and takes the stated direction of the organization. In any work environment, an effective leader is important for the survival of a healthy and productive workplace.
One interesting thing about leadership is that the perception of effective leaders were usually consistent or strong in their decisions. Leadership is a set of set of abilities or personality traits, including the authority to serve as a means in order to ensure they lead that they are willing and able to perform the tasks assigned to him willingly, eagerly, there kegemiraan mind, and feel forced

B. Characteristics of an Effective Leader
Leadership is not an absolute right person formal official in an organization, but by his skill in leading others. That is, it is probably a subordinate to have better leadership skills than his boss.
According to A. Wahab & Umiarso (2011: 89) leadership is an activity affects another person for that person to cooperate (mengolabolarasi and elaborating potential) to achieve its intended purpose. Leadership is not a set of competencies that made by someone, but the approach or way of working with people in an organization to accomplish a common task and responsibility within an organization to achieve goals.
A leader acts as a driving force in the process of cooperation between people in the organization that can move directionally in achieving its intended purpose.
As for the characteristics of an effective leader by Sudarwan Danim (2010: 37) are:
1. Honest
2. Do what they say will be done
3. Keeping promises and implement their commitments
4. Ensure that their actions are consistent with the wishes of the community in pimpinnya.
5. Have a clear idea of ​​what other people value and what they can do
6. Belief in the inherent value in others
7. Acknowledge error
8. Creating a climate of mutual trust and open
9. Help others to become successful
10. Encourage members to do more
11. Roll up their sleeves
12. Avoid expressions that foment hatred.
According Husna while Asmara (2015: 106) the characteristics of an effective leader is able to provide feedback and suggestions capable of being a good listener. Suggestions and feedback from the leadership is very important for subordinates. Knowing how to receive feedback as other skills of leadership will teach you many things about leadership style.

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