08.38 URAY ISKANDAR 0 Comments

Indonesian society needs higher to quality education shows that education has become one of the institutions of social life that is strong and dignified, and has a very important role in the strategic development of civilization and the nation of Indonesia. Education has contributed significantly in building the civilization of Indonesia from one period to another period, well before independence and after independence
According to Bischoff (2001) learning organization is an organization that is looking to create its future, to make learning as a creative process that occurs sustainable for all its members, develop, adapt and transform themselves in addressing the needs and aspirations of the people within the organization or outside the organization and provide opportunities to the entire organization.
The school as a learning organization must be present together in an organization at the school to improve the quality of resource development, because it can accelerate the learning process and improve the organization's ability to adapt to changes in schools and anticipate changes in the future.
The school as a system composed of components of context, input, process, output and outcome. Context is the externalities that affect the provision of education and therefore should be internalized into school operations. Schools are able to internalize into his context will make the school as part of the context and not isolated from it.
Input the school is everything that is needed for the process of education, particularly the teaching and learning process. The process of changing something is incident into something else in other words changing the uneducated students become educated.
Output level is the result of learning that reflects how effective the learning process was held, that the learning process is determined by the level of effectiveness and efficiency of the learning process.
Outcome is a long-term impact on the results of the impact study both for the individual and for society graduates. This means that if a good learning outcomes impact will also be good. In reality not always the case because the outcome is influenced by many factors beyond the learning outcomes.
The school as a learning organization plays a role in increasing the activities of teachers in terms of enhancing the knowledge and skills of teachers to manage teaching and learning activities, receive further training to supplement what he had received in training, create and try out materials or props and tools teaching will be used in each classroom and discuss the problems encountered in the classroom and receive suggestions.
Internal quality school is closely associated with the involvement of the school community in totality in it. Quality requires a commitment to customer satisfaction that enables improvements in the employees, students in doing work with the best. Learning in the organization will be more rapid if people want to share insights and learn together. Therefore the learning spirit in the team, success stories or failure of a team must be submitted to the other team. Share insights of knowledge within the team is very important to increase the organization's capacity to add intellectual capital. Learning organization requires resources that have high competency in order to adapt to demand changes, particularly changes in technology.
In the development of a learning organization, the role of the principal acts as the coordinator of the team working on the establishment through an implementation of the attitude and style of leadership that is flexible, open, democratic and able to provide direction, guidance or a role model to the school community, so as to provide flexibility for teachers to provide ideas and creative attitude in performing their duties and functions.
Learning organization is an organization in which every individual has their own development and learning, where organizations supporting and valuing each person to learn where these organizations develop the capacity to learn to generate new capabilities. Schools today need to learn from the environment for schools is also part of the environment. This can be realized by collaboration between the schools, the cooperation of parents or the school committee. This of course requires the structure, activity and new jobs from each institution to gather information, help and people to achieve their mission.
 The school as a learning organization with an open system, always able to adapt and be sensitive to changes or developments. Every activity in schools, should lead to the learning process, because the essence of the school is a learning organization. The school as a learning organization would always be open to learning, so keterlibatn very dominant throughout the school personnel to create school effectiveness.
Hope school as a learning organization is still far from what was expected, but opening up a new discourse is something very important, that there is a paradigm shift and a new vision that will propel Indonesia's education system change towards a better and measurable.
Citizens schools should learn and how to learn together in order to learn to be more efficient and effective, not only for individuals but for the whole school community. Learning to be the most important thing to make a change because if each person, group or organization, really learn, then it will turn in earnest due to the learning outcomes. If we truly changes and becomes a true learner, then we will reflect those changes, then will learn even more.
Hopefully the parties involved with educational institutions assume that the school as an institution where learning takes place, then manage school organization requires management policies and leadership that can provide space for the growth of creativity and innovation for the citizens of the school.
By: Uray Iskandar, S.Pd.M.Pd
(Supervisory SMP in Sambas District Education Office)

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