In the Law on the National Education System 20 of 2003 declared that education is a conscious effort to prepare students through guidance, instruction and or training for its role in the future. Guidance, instruction and or training is a means of change for students. Thus it can be said to be the object of study is the change in self-learners. As a conscious effort then it can be done through activities that involve various stakeholders. Parties involved confronted with tasks that sometimes require changing, as a result dihadapkannya in the direction of the future. Because of that change is the essence of education.
Changes in general implies the existence of differences in the state of things than ever before. The difference can be positive and negative anyway. More directed to the positive and negative progress leads to setbacks. Both can occur in accordance with the latent nature of change itself. "There is nothing permanent except change" according to Heraclitus. Therefore, a change may occur towards the desired direction then the need for management in the sense of awareness to set up, run and assess the intended changes. That change is a change agent. Change agent is a person who acts as a catalyst and assume responsibility for managing the activities of the changes that can be: Managers, employees or outside consultants.
Education plays an important role in improving the quality of human resources and strategic development of the nation as well as contributing significantly to economic growth and social transformation. Education make human resources more quickly understand and be ready to face changes in the work environment.
In a change in school education from teachers who tend initially inactive, becomes active pupils with learning considerations become more qualified, in the sense of underserved students can learn according to their needs, at least two things to be different. First: teachers teaching activity into another. Ways and procedures taken by the teachers became uncharacteristically. It could be the beginning teacher in teaching more information, explanations and try to give examples. Then teachers teach by dividing tasks, instruct and encourage students find their own examples. Second: students learn different activities, from the beginning student gets the same treatment could even be possible to wait and accept what is presented by the teachers became they got a lot of choices in the same state.
Student learning is different, requiring a different approach to learning. Teachers should use a variety of approaches that children do not get bored quickly. Teacher's ability to perform a variety of approaches to learning need to be honed and improved. Do not be quick to feel satisfied after teaching, but look at the results obtained after teaching. Have accordance with the general objective of education. It should also be studied ang elaboration of curriculum used to be taught in the classroom as not to deviate from the curriculum that has been determined.
Many of the problems that can occur when changes will be made. The most common problems and prominent is "a rejection of change itself". A very popular term in management is the resistance change (resistance to change). The rejection of change is not always negative because precisely because of the refusal of the then change can not be done arbitrarily. The rejection of the change does not always appear on the surface in the form of a standard. Rejection could clearly visible (explicit) and immediately, for example in protest, threatening strikes, demonstrations, and the like; or it could be implied (implicit), and slowly, for example, loyalty to the organization is reduced, decreased work motivation, work-related errors increases, increased absenteeism, etc.
Changes in education in school is very necessary, especially in relation to the running of the school's defense is concerned, in the sense that schools actually function in accordance with that in idekan. Where the idea of the school is not terelepas presence of environmental demands continue to grow. Therefore, the survival of a school depends on the school's ability to constantly adjust to the perekembangan. This means that state schools should be made different from the previous conditions and made suitable to perekembangan environment.
The basic idea is in addition to the main function of the school to accommodate students to learn and facilitate it so that the learning is better, then any change in school education should be placed on the interests of these functions with the hope that students can grow and develop optimally.
By: Uray Iskandar, S.Pd
(Supervisory SMP in Sambas District Education Office)
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